
The statistical tests that can answer your research questions



Dissertation statistical tests are a doctoral student's best friend! You may be skeptical but let me explain why. You can literally take an ocean of data and turn it into one number that answers your dissertation research questions.

Look at the data set below. It can make your head spin. What does it tell you? Not much….

001 22212221321112112010212020 1110201111121 0122011221011 001 31201211123120200111111013 11 1121052201 002 13111131311123003011131131 1110133312132 1111101110110 002 10101321112110101110110111 11 1121052211 003 32213221322122102020211030 2120200120021 0312000200110 003 20301210023120210121112012 21 1120952101 004 33303331233003200020322030 2130300120021 0103000300031 004 30300300033030300020133003 30 1121052001 005 22112213232112112011221121 2311211122021 2312011211111 005 11311211110131211123111111 21 1021152111 006 12211221111112112111212121 1111101111021 1111001211111 006 11200220020010201121112112 10 1111053201 007 22212221233112102032113130 1131200210121 1212000310211 007 30211221222120211110112012 21 1111052211 008 22112211122102111011222120 1211210121121 1311010211122 008 10212211122120211123122112 22 1120952101 009 33313321232102203100213030 2130203130033 0303000320030 009 30322332030030300031223023 30 1111052001 010 33303330332003203031331030 2230200020031 0201000220021 010 30310321033030200030023003 30 1110952301 011 32103221322102102010322020 1021200110011 1111011111111 011 20202110010011111111111113 21 1111052111

If you have been given a massive assortment of numbers and have no hope of understanding them, although you have looked at them for hours, use statistics.

1. They summarize information and present it in a straightforward, compelling manner.

2. They tell us whether we did have an impact and it was worthwhile, so that we can take action.

3. They document relationships that are meaningful so that we can take action.

Life will be simple. How great is that?

Quantitative and qualitative data make up your database. This is the core from which statistics will be generated. There are many types to choose from:

Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median and Mode)



Chi Square



Multiple Regression

Reference guide to statistical tests

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